New probiotic Visbiome by ExeGi Pharma was introduced to US market. Visbiome by ExiGi Pharma contain original De Simone Foemulation, it is NON GMO, Gluten free, Kosher as well as Halal.  Visbiome by ExeGi Pharma is available in capsules as well as  powder packets form. Capsule of Visbiome contain 112.5 Billion bacteria, while Visbiome powder packet contain 450  Billion bacteria.  Visbiome powder packets are available in Unflavored and Flavored form.

Capsules of Visbiome come in a bottle of 60’s. Visbiome powder packets come in a box of 30’s. Both Visbiome capsules ans Visbiome powder packets are available over the counter. Visbiome ES contain 900 Billion bacteria and requires a prescription.

About Visbiome by ExeGi Pharma:

Found in 1990’s formulation in Visbiome  contains one the highest available concentration of live bacteria. With over 60 clinical studies, Visbiome  is the most studied probiotic formulation in the world. Visbiome formulation contain 8 strains of freeze dried live bacteria and have a status of Medical Food.

Visbiome by ExeGi Pharma Formulation:

Lactobacillus paracasei DSM 24733
Lactobacillus plantarum DSM 24730
Lactobacillus acidophilus DSM 24735
Lactobacillus delbrueckii subspecies bulgaricus* DSM 24734
Bifidobacterium longum± DSM 24736
Bifidobacterium infantis± DSM 24737
Bifidobacterium breve DSM 24732
Streptococcus thermophilus


Visbiome is shipped and stored under refrigerated conditions (39-46°F, 4-8°C) to ensure maximum potency. Visbiome is a medical food intended for use under the supervision of a physician.

When Starting Visbiome:

You may experience bloating during the first few days after starting Visbiome as your intestinal microflora changes. If this occurs, you may need to reduce daily consumption to allow for adjustment. Please consult with your physician if you experience bloating. However, Visbiome is considered to be safe.