Medical Grade Probiotics for digestive health .       Visbiome Capsules               Visbiome Packets

Digestive health and probiotics is topic which many people are discussing these days. Do you know what is going on in your body regarding total digestive health as it concerns your digestive tract? Even if you are eating the healthiest diet, if your digestion is not doing well, then your body won’t be doing well. Your body won’t be able to completely process all of the valuable nutrients from those foods so that your digestive health is functioning at the optimum potential and your body is getting the nutrients to the right places.

Micro-organisms which naturally occur are called probiotics. It’s vital for total body health for you to have the right amount of probiotics in your digestive tract. It’s important for micro flora balance in your intestinal tract and this promotes a healthy and normal intestinal function. For proper digestion, probiotics need to be regularly introduced into your system. The intestines are the place for the magic happens. That’s where the majority of the digestion happens. We need to remember that proper digestive health is vital to complete body wellness and Probiotics can help to accomplish this goal.

Why Probiotics?

So what’s so special about probiotics and how specifically do they play a part in your body’s digestive health? Did you know that the majority of immune cells in your body are within your digestive tract? The main benefit of probiotics is that they assist in the maintenance of keeping your intestines in balance as well as  help to promote a healthy immune system and proper digestion.

When your digestive health is good and your digestive system is on track, healthy digestion occurs and nutrients are absorbed into your body. All of the cells, tissues and organs in your body will thank you for the attention you pay towards facilitating proper digestive health. When your body is able to properly digest food and nutrients from the food is able to be absorbed by your body, you’ll be living at optimal health.

There are instances when daily stresses and other changes to your routine can upset your system. There are natural solutions to help in supporting a healthy digestive system, restoring your body’s natural digestive balance and help to protect against those occasional digestive upsets. It’s highly important that you get the right probiotic which will allow your body to be in complete health. What type of probiotic does this? One that has a good percentage of live culture or living organisms-it’s very important for these living organisms to be delivered directly to your intestinal tract.

Benefits of taking probiotics.

Probiotics are the various sorts of beneficial microorganisms that enhance our health. Probiotics can typically be our food or in the form of health supplements. There are many health benefits from taking Probiotics. Probiotics microorganisms have far-reaching effects, impacting many parts of our body, including our immune response and digestive health to our moods and mental health and wellness.

Some foods do offer these healthy microorganisms. Of these, the most well-known are yogurt. Fermented milk and sauerkraut are two more. However, there are certain drawbacks to these. One is that pasteurized selections do not offer much benefit as pasteurization eradicates microorganisms, including the good types. One more is that microorganisms from these foods are transient and do not colonize the intestines.

Role of probiotics.

Due to this, if the balance of bacteria in our intestines is disturbed, it can result in numerous problems, including things like diarrhea and bloat. Most of all probiotics play an important role in preventing these types of problems, in addition to keeping your digestive system functioning properly.

These beneficial bacteria, in addition, have an essential benefit on the immune system. Although living in a hygienic community has its merits, extreme hygiene has its downsides. Taking too many antibiotics or using lots of cleansing products can upset the balance of helpful bacteria in our bodies. This is possibly the reason researchers have indicated that there is an increasing occurrence of autoimmune diseases as well as susceptibilities in societies with higher hygienic standards.

Whereas probiotics are now a popular solution for digestive and immune problems, they can also help keep you happy! Recent research suggests that they play a certain part in mental health. While taking probiotics  you will maintain your healthy bacteria in good balance, as well can prevent depression and keep your spirits up.


Probiotics Visbiome are the top of the line. Due to highest available concentration of bacteria in the world. They come in Capsules as well as  Packets. Visbiome probiotic capsule contain 112.5 Billion strains of live bacteria. Visbiome packets contain 450 Billion strains of live bacteria. Probiotics like Visbiome DS are prescription strains and contain 950 Billion strains of live bacteria.

Probiotics like  Visbiome proven to inhabit the intestinal tract during usage. This product supplies the high amounts of bacteria. It requires to colonize and positively affect the GI tracts of IBS, ulcerative colitis and ileal-pouch patients.

  • 1.Due to high concentration of bacteria  Visbiome can help to repair “leaky gut” to decrease the chances of bacterial translocation. Food-particle entrance into circulation and inflammatory immune responses.
  • 2.Probiotics like Visbiome can help in abdominal bloating. Probiotics can reduce gas and slow colonic time in patients with diarrhea-predominant IBS.
  • 3.Probiotics like Visbiome shown efficacy in ulcerative colitis, with and without drug therapy.
  • 4.They have shown efficacy in pouchitis.

Probiotic Visbiome Recommended Dose.

At the time of this writing, the product website for healthcare professionals recommends:

Product           IBS        Ulcerative Colitis     Pouchitis    Active UC
Capsules        2-4 per day    4-8 per day                    —–        8-16 per day
Packets          ½-1 per day    1-2 per day              2-4 per day    4-8 per day
Junior Packets:    Depends on the age of the child and the child’s condition

Please note. Finally that consumers are supposed to be working with a physician for treatment with these conditions. Follow your doctor’s recommendations as to usage of Visbiome Probiotics.