It is very important for the Live Probiotics  have a higher available concentration of beneficial bacteria  for two reasons. Large amount must be delivered to the colon, because as it’s already know, the healthy human gut contains up to 100 trillion resident bacteria. By delivering large amount of bacteria and as a part of a health diet and lifestyle this High Potency Medical Foods can help support a balanced gut flora.

Live Probiotics in High Potency Medical Foods

While different Live Bacteria Probiotics probiotic products contain different quantities of bacteria. They also contain a different number and type of bacterial strains. Some probiotic dietary supplements contain several strains of beneficial bacteria, while many commonly used probiotic foods contain only a single strain. Importantly, irrespective of the strains used, the bacteria must be able to survive the strong acidic conditions of the stomach; they must be able to adhere to the inner gut wall and at least temporarily, colonise the intestine..

Live Probiotics Leading Brands

Live BacteriaProbiotics  Visbiome stands out from other probiotic products in terms of the number of bacteria it contains as well as the number and types of bacterial strains. Live  Bacteria Probiotics  Visbiome packets have a the highest available concentration of beneficial bacteria, with 450 billion per unit. This two have eight specially selected strains of bacteria with a difference in one strain.  Remember, not all  of the Live Probiotics are the same.

Live Bacteria Probiotics  Visbiome contain more bacterial strains and a considerably higher bacterial count than other commonly used probiotic supplements.

Visbiome  are available at

Visbiome Shipped with 24oz Ice Pack in Styrofoam lined box.